Saturday, October 27, 2012

Skyfall Bond Film Quotes

Went to see the new Bond film Skyfall on Friday night and couldn't help noticing that all of Bonds witty one liners sounded like they were from movies. I can't remember all of them but here are the ones I did hear:

There's a storm coming (Terminator)

It's the Circle of Life (The Lion King)

It's a brave new world (Demolition Man)

I'm sure there were a couple of others too...

I am confused if this was supposed to be an in joke or if the script writers were really that lazy.

There was a lot about this Bond movie that made it clear it was self aware of the Bond legacy I would prefer if they didn't feel like the films had to be so formulaic and just used the many Bondisms where required rather than forcing them in unneccisarily.

Overall I liked the film a thought it nicely completed the trilogy of Daniel Craig 007 but I think instead of continuing from where they left off in this film the next film should mix things up again. Perhaps by introducing a new Bond already.

My suggestion would be Michael Fassbender, who I think would continue with the new gritty bond style but regain the cunning of Bond that has been missing of late.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Error message saying "Error 2738. Could not access VBScript run time for custom action"

This has been driving me crazy for days...

Error message saying "Error 2738. Could not access VBScript run time for custom action"

There are loads of websites with fixes for this problem when trying to install Sky Splayer but none of them fixed the issue for me.

The problem is was having was caused by a trial of McAfee's which came preloaded on my comuter. The scriptsn.dll overwrote the following registry which should be pointing Vbscript.dll.


was set to
(Default) REG_SZ C:\Program Files\McAfee\VirusScan\scriptsn.dll

Changing this to be c:\windows\syswow64\regsvr32 vbscript.dll was not straight forward either as regedit wasn't allowing me to update the entry, in order to do this, i had to take ownership in the Permissions options, grant myself full control and then it enabled me to update the entry.

Hope this helps someone else who is pulling there hair out trying to resolve this problem...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wileman Grotesques

Ever since my family started collecting Foley Wileman China the most interesting (and Rare) of the collection is the range of Grotesques that were designed by Frederick Alfred Rhead.

We knew they existed as they appeared in a book in Black and White so gradually we have gathered up either the item itself, pictures of the real thing or in the case of the dragon an original painting from the pattern book.

It is our mission to try and fill the blanks.



Warthog??, Frog/Toad, Elephant, Owl, Armadillo, Monkey, Dog of Fo



Kelim Dragon??, Baby, Friar Tuck, John Bull, Chinese Lion??

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The New World

Watched this movie about the true story of Pocahontas, it was good - but very... very long.

The next day I was in Gravesend, so I thought I'd swing by St George's Church and get a picture of her statue. Her grave was originally in the grounds of the church but was destroyed during renovation work.

Panther Black 3dr New Ford Fiesta Titanium 1.6 TDCi

Up on the roof - hence all the pictures all have a blue tinge to them, this car stood out amongst all the other new arrivals at the Ford dealership. The head lamps are stunning, the two panes of glass in the 3 door look much smarter that the 5 dr.

A quick peak inside the New Fiesta comlete with fashionable plastic covers...
Not much room to take pictures behind the car, so here is a shot of the spoiler.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Batman v Transformers

I'm a Soul Man...

I went for it after my last post and bought these Limited Edition Onitsuka Tigers, I have loved the brand since I saw the yellow and black ones worn in Kill Bill.

Here are the shoes unboxed

Aerial View - Check out the insides!

This is the shoe box they came in

Saving the best until last... until I got them out of the box I didn't know that they had Soul Art

First the left

...and the right

The Velcro strap which also features a Tokidoki x Onitsuka Tigers hologram

I was hoping for a lot out of them when I ordered them, and I am pleased to say I am pleasantly surprised by all the cool details on them.

Now do I want to wear them outside and get them messed up..... yeah of course I do!

I spent a while trying to track down a vendor for the shoes, i managed to find mine from the Italian tokidoki site

Monday, July 07, 2008

Here a few of my favourite things

I have tickets to the advanced preview of The Dark Knight on the 23rd July '08

Can't Wait!

Manga meets footware in the

tokidoki x Onitsuka Tiger

The bottom left are sweeeet!!!

Finally is my dream car
This is a Lotus Elise which has done less than 30K and is a snip at £16500.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Abbey Idiots

I just sat in the Abbey phone queue for over 15mins to find out what an APPLICATION payment of -£39.32 was. When i got through to speak to someone i was told that there had been a technical fault on their internal system and that 70% of people that we calling were calling about this problem. When i suggested to the helpful man that it would be a good idea to put a message on the phone system, he explained that this had been requested by the call handlers but the higher management had said it was not possible! On the issue of the money I will be expecting a full refund including any lost interest (how ever small) and would also request a refund for my telephone call which could have been so easily avoided as your number is not free. After having no end of problems when i first opened my current account i have recently began to think that my woes with abbey had come to an end but this debacle again has showed how they really can't do customer service at all! As with all correspondence through the online contact us option - i will be sure to hold my breath to recieving a response!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

GTA IV Problem

"the connection to one or more players has been lost. Returning to single player"

If these words echo in your head since getting you hands on GTA IV then hopefully i have the answer to at least a few of you.

I have been receiving this error just before the lobby of multi player GTA or just as i entered an online game. I found a workaround which was to plug my PS3 straight into my cable modem. When this worked i realised that there was no problem with the game, no problem with the servers, no problem with my ISP - the problem lay squarely on my router.

After trying to make my PS3 a De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) - turning of the media server and opening up every port i could find was linked to GTA, i turned to the forums.

My rule i live by was proved right once more - if I'm having a problem, there will always be someone else who has had it and normally have already found the fix for it. I found the answer on the US PlayStation board.

But it still wasn't clear what my problem was as the firmware was up-to-date... or so i thought.

I am using a Netgear WGT624v3 router and in the option to update the firmware it goes off and checks and then reports back that it is on the most recent firmware - this is not the case.

The newest firmware can be found

Simply download it to your hard drive and then browse for it in the update firmware section and then upload it to the router. After this is complete i had to reboot the router a couple of times to get the Internet on my PC and the connection back on my PS3, but one i had done i was straight back into Multi player GTA - i held my breath and entered a Deathmatch and... Success!!

I really this helps others as i always seem to find the solution to my problems but having to search through pages and pages of forums is no fun.