Saturday, October 27, 2012

Skyfall Bond Film Quotes

Went to see the new Bond film Skyfall on Friday night and couldn't help noticing that all of Bonds witty one liners sounded like they were from movies. I can't remember all of them but here are the ones I did hear:

There's a storm coming (Terminator)

It's the Circle of Life (The Lion King)

It's a brave new world (Demolition Man)

I'm sure there were a couple of others too...

I am confused if this was supposed to be an in joke or if the script writers were really that lazy.

There was a lot about this Bond movie that made it clear it was self aware of the Bond legacy I would prefer if they didn't feel like the films had to be so formulaic and just used the many Bondisms where required rather than forcing them in unneccisarily.

Overall I liked the film a thought it nicely completed the trilogy of Daniel Craig 007 but I think instead of continuing from where they left off in this film the next film should mix things up again. Perhaps by introducing a new Bond already.

My suggestion would be Michael Fassbender, who I think would continue with the new gritty bond style but regain the cunning of Bond that has been missing of late.