Monday, August 28, 2006

Puressence - This Feeling

The best band with their most successful single... nuff said

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Out of the Blue

My internet connection with Blueyonder has been more than flaky for the past 6 months, works for a while and then cuts out, this is really frustrating when your in the middle of an online game.

Well thankfully today I have the answer, after having previously been told that the problem lay with my wireless router.

The helpline said to check which is the settings page for my modem. The guy said that if the frequency was anything but 331000000 or 339000000 then it was wrong. Well ours was 331250000! How did it change I want to know.

Well I can't be sure it works but other people on the net have had the same problem and it has worked for them. I work in IT Support and I have no idea how I could have known what the problem was, who knew that you could set the frequency of your modem?

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I've got soul... but I'm not a soldier

My Favourite band of the last year The Killers are soon to release a new album to here the first track to be released from the album follow this link: When You Were Young