Monday, March 13, 2006

Leaving on a jet plane

Eurgh.... More drinking this weekend than I have done in months

Started Friday by buying a box of 12 Krispy Kreme's following a KK fund being setup at work. Useful as not eating donunts before going out drinking can make you more drunk (so i've heard).

Started the evening by losing a pool match in a league that I'm in, I think I'm still top though but probablty not for long.

The evening then moved to works regular haunt the Masons for Steve and Arup's leaving doo, although Arup is not actually leaving just moving to another department. Funnily enough most people hadn't been there before as we haven't been out after work for yonks.

Some of us were hungry so we headed uptown to get a chinese, stopping while others on a street corner while some parked. While there me,Harsh and Gary debated whether the smell wafting around was Chienese Food or Indian, including passerbyes we established it was Thai, the give-away being that we were in front of a Thai Restaurant (oops). While standing in the cold three people emerged from a street. My drunk brain shouting, you recognise those people, go say Hi! , so i did. These were people I had never met so I strool up and ask do you happen to know someone called Pan (my mate from work and blog hoster), yes they replied "We were just making fun of his name"!, they were three of his good friends the sad thing is that I only recognised them from pictures on his blog!! (A real crossover between the real world and cyberspace)

Here's a vid of us at the Chienese, abusing the spinning table. It was my idea to put the camera on it and spin it but not sure if that was genius or not...

Saturday I went and saw Last Holiday which was one of those films where your meant to come out and re-think your whole life, but not sure it was quite powerful enough to have any impact on me though. Nice film but not worth cinema prices.

Saturday night went to dinner at Cafe Rouge in Chelmsford it was Laura's old school friend Beany's birthday.

Here's Me, Laura (my girl) and Beany (birthday boy):

Martin and Tracy got him a shot drinking game, queue lots of shots of Pinot Grigio being drunk at under 2 seconds. After some groving in Yates it was over to Dukes. More drinking and dancing. Best tune of the night had to be the remix of Britney's toxic by John Marr - Toxic Rhythm, me not normally a big fan of garage music think this tune rocks and seems to always get a good response from the crowd. If you can find it since it's a bit old now give it a listen.

That's all for me know except to say:

Pan outdid himself when he turned in his "Champ Bear" romper suit


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