Wednesday, March 01, 2006

This means nothing to me ah....V...enice?!

No update over the weekend as I was in Venice Friday - Monday not so much of a holiday, more of a long weekend. The picture above is of St Mark's Square on Saturday which was rather wet even for Venice.

Had an eventful flight out as when we got to 17,000 ft the plane filled with the smell of sulpher like something was burning, so we had to do an emergency stop back at Stansted. We pulled up trailed by 5 fire engines and a fire car! We quickly swapped to another plane and we were back on our way.

We stayed in a nice hotel called Hotel Leonardo in the Jewish Ghetto area (in the Ghetto...)

Loads of people dressed up on the streets as it was Carnival time, so mask wearing was order of the day and even me and my girlfriend Laura went out one night wearing them. Unfortunately the one picture I took came out badly so you don't get to see. (Shame)

We had a very nice day on Sunday which included a gondola ride. The gondolier we had was very OTT and did a tour like a young history teacher "before we see Venice we must first understand what made Venice" he had a bit of a fixation with the special Black Mud that the city was built on repeated this many times which all added to the comedy. It was however still very romantic and a group of tourists even gave us a round of applause as we set off, very embarrassing.

Got to Treviso Airport 4 hours to early as we had nowhere to go (as we had our luggage and it was cold). It turned out we had the wrong time for the flight back and we ended up having to wait another hour!! Got back to Stansted at midnight and I was home by 1.30am caught a few zzz's and then back to work.


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